Wednesday, February 4, 2009


In 1906, Pentecostalism found its roots in the streets of Los Angeles and quickly became the fastest growing branch of Christianity, according to Frank L. Lechner and John Boli. The Pentecostalism churh became the largest single Christian category after the Roman Catholic church. Pentecostalism uses movements through dancing, singing and shaking to 'call forth the Spirit.' Pentecostals believe that, "Jesus is Lord and Savior, and the Bible the literal word of God for all of humanity" (Lechner and Boli 388). The best description that relates to its foundings, however, is the idea that this culture is created bottom-up style. Usually associated as being an American export, Pentecostalism spread from country to country that was predominantly Christian even before Pentecostalism was heard of. Lechner and Boli also explain that Pentecostalism is not new, since it derives from Christian beginnings and continues to change by each culture it encounters. This demonstrates globalization to a degree of a spread of religion; one that is being accepted in most places, even if it is being fought off by those who wish to keep their local forms of religion. Even though Pentecostalism works as an example of globalization, it also stresses on the individual, or, "Celebrates the individual" (Lechner and Boli 389).

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