Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Here are a few speeches that the Federal Foreign Minister gave about his support of Turkey joining the EU.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Interview with Ekin Deligöz

In 2006, DW-WORLD.DE, a European news website, interviewed Ekin Deligöz, a member of the green party in Germany about moving to Germany when she was younger and what it is like to live there now.
"It's ok to be Both Turkish and German"

Friday, February 27, 2009

People Decide

In October of 2005, TimesOnline ran an article that consisted of a collection of different opinions on whether Turkey should be allowed to join the EU or not. The collection was composed by different people all around the world, allowing all sides of the debate to be shown. Since these opinions were collected in 2005, it is possible that they have changed since then, since in this past year there were more talks about Turkey joining the EU.
See their opinions

Thursday, February 26, 2009

All About Turkey!!

A tour guide in Istanbul has kept a blog since April 2006 about all of the newest happenings in Turkey including its culture, traditions and top tourist sights:

Turkey Blog

Neighboring Troubles

Trust in those close to us is one of the few securities shared by people around the world. Usually, the idea of a neighbor is a comforting thought, in case one ever needs help or someone to talk to. Living in such close proximity generally leads to some sort of friendship, especially in smaller towns where people are more likely to see one another on a day- to –day basis. The idea of a neighbor, or a friend, turning on the other is terrifying, especially when it’s due to religious differences. This is the case as I see it in the Bosnian war; neighbors turning against neighbors through acts of fighting and rape.
In Safe Area Gorazde, Sacco talks to numerous people who have stories of their neighbors turning against them. One man was forced to watch his wife get raped right in front of him by his neighbor, a man they thought they could trust. Others only saw their neighbors fighting against one another in a war that seemed to turn the gentlest men into complete barbarians.
The sight of a neighbor and trusted friend advancing towards you in an act of war, however, is enough to terrify any one. Sacco put into his novel stories of people who were forced to hide from their own neighbors; ones who had been so helpful in times of need, which had spent time with each other’s children and had been previous confidants. However just because war broke out over religious differences, these people were willing to drop their personal pasts all together and murder those they had once called friends.
Even if these people were not directly living next door, the idea that they were in the same city is another reason for panic. In the article, “Bosnia: Questions About Rape,” women testified against men they had once seen in town, even if they did not know them personally. For the Serbs that were attacking, the idea of being neighbors and previous acquaintances seemed to help their cause of knowing exactly where to attack, and how to spread fear in every direction. This is not to say that every Serbian person was bad; on the contrary, there were a few who did not support the war and its cause for, “ethnic cleansing”.
Being neighbors wasn’t the only scary part. Many of the men-turned-animals were once highly respected people; lawyers, doctors etc. The opposite was also true, however. During the war, highly respected people lost everything they had, from their position titles to their families and lifestyles.
The hardest part of the war that I came to terms with is why no one seemed to know what was going on. Even the Serbian leader claimed he had only heard of 18 rape cases, when the real numbers, although difficult to get an exact count, were far greater.
For me, the simple task of reading about this war and the cases that went along with it was horrifying. No one around the world seemed to care while the murdering and raping was going on in this part of the world until it was too late. Seeing how quickly amicable relationships can turn against one another from a rise in nationalistic pride shows that when it comes to religious separation, anything can happen.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Germany's Turkish Obama" by Paul Hockenos

Cem Özdemir, the man considered to be the Obama of Germany, is the highest ranking German politician with immigrant parents. He was recently elected the co-chair of 'the greens'. He is one of 15 million "people with migration background," which is the newest politcally correct term that Germans use when describing immigrants. 19% of the population is composed of immigrants, while 40% of elementary students have immigrant backgrounds.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


In 1906, Pentecostalism found its roots in the streets of Los Angeles and quickly became the fastest growing branch of Christianity, according to Frank L. Lechner and John Boli. The Pentecostalism churh became the largest single Christian category after the Roman Catholic church. Pentecostalism uses movements through dancing, singing and shaking to 'call forth the Spirit.' Pentecostals believe that, "Jesus is Lord and Savior, and the Bible the literal word of God for all of humanity" (Lechner and Boli 388). The best description that relates to its foundings, however, is the idea that this culture is created bottom-up style. Usually associated as being an American export, Pentecostalism spread from country to country that was predominantly Christian even before Pentecostalism was heard of. Lechner and Boli also explain that Pentecostalism is not new, since it derives from Christian beginnings and continues to change by each culture it encounters. This demonstrates globalization to a degree of a spread of religion; one that is being accepted in most places, even if it is being fought off by those who wish to keep their local forms of religion. Even though Pentecostalism works as an example of globalization, it also stresses on the individual, or, "Celebrates the individual" (Lechner and Boli 389).

Bin Laden and Other Thoroughly Modern Muslims

Tradition and modernity : contradictions yet the two can be personified by one example: Islamists. Charles Kurzman, author of "Bin Laden and Other Thoroughly Modern Muslims," explains that today Islamists have gone to modern schools, use modern technology and go by modern laws. They still hold their traditional values, however. Bin Laden, for example, had training in civil engineering. Under the heading of Modern Goals, Modern Methods, Kurzman explains the differences between the Taliban and Islamists. Taliban outlawed women from attending school, but Islamists actually raised the girls education level in Iran. Kurzman also talks more about techonlogy, and how radical Islamists use satellite phones etc., leading to use of the newest high-tech skills. Kurzman ends his article by describing Americas war on terrorism and how it might possibly help the Islamists by fueling the idea that the US is against Islam. He also describes the longer affects, however, saying that "the modernization of Muslim societies, promoted by the United States and its allies as a buffer against traditionalism, may wind up fueling Islamism" (Kurzman 357).

Global Fundamentalism

In "Global Fundamentalism", Frank J. Lechner proposes that fundamentalism is facing a future of problems. This is mainly due to the fact that globalization is now taking off. As Lechner states, "global culture, after all, is still (though not only) the culture of modernity," (Lechner 349). I completely agree, since globalization is something that has developed more and more over time, ecomposing newer technologies to trade among other societies. Lechner believes, however, that globalization works against fundamentalism, which is true, however he also says that it is 'contaminated' with globalization culture. Once again, I feel the theory of interdependence is at play, and is also needed to a certain degree for fundamentalism to grow. Lechner even acknowledges and states that the future of fundamentalism is bleak, and that the problems need to be confronted now instead of when it's too late.

Turkish Prime Minister Storms Off Stage at World Economic Forum - Davos

World Culture in the World Polity

International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) are the topic of John Boli and George M. Thomas's article, "World Culture in the World Polity: A Century of International Non-Governmental Organization." Boli and Thomas state that the goal of INGOs is to spread 'progress' throughout the world by ways of transportation and technological advances. The five main ideals of INGOS are universalism, individualism, rational voluntaristic authority, human purposes of rationalizing progress and world citizenship. Under universalism, Boli and Thomas write that, "INGOs embody remains culturally autonomous because INGOs operate in the interstices of this decentralized structure," (Boli and Thomas, 278). This theme relates back to "The End of the Nation State," by drawing parallels to globalization instead of individual nations. It also ties into the individualism goals of INGOs by explaining that different individuals all around the world help to make up humanity as a whole, which is who they aim to help. Overall, the goals of INGO are to try and protect, if not change humanity in some way.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Demise of the Nation State

In the article, "The End of the Nation State," Kenichi Ohmae claims that the "old world has fallen apart," (Ohmae 223). He explains that in todays world, there are no borders. This means that the world is no longer divided up by different nations economically and that they are now meaningless. Ohmae says that it is now a truly global capital market, so there isn't any way for nation states to control their currency value or exchange rates. He relates examples to businesses who can no longer be placed with one country. Even if a company is based in America, for example, the parts and products the company sells are most likely produced somewhere else. He also goes on to say that there are some companies trying to get their point of nationalism across by using flags on products, meant to trigger nationalism. This is difficult to achieve, however, since it is now possible to buy products so much cheaper from other countries. The most relatable example Ohmae uses is one about teenage consumers and the fast-pace with which they are now able to communicate with one another. This is played to the advantage of companies trying to sell off their products with the spreading globalization of fashion products, since teenagers are much more likely to find new trends online and also purchase clothing there as well. Ohmae finishes up his article with the history of the nation state demise, proving that the world is growing a deeper connection after all.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Future Leaders Bridging The Gap


There are people who want German and Turkish relations to get better - and are actually doing something about it! A program called 'Germany Meets Turkey' has been designed for those in their late 20's and earlier 30's. They work with future leaders from both Germany and Turkey with hopes to, "establish a solid and lasting basis for dialogue between the two countries in order to promote mutual understanding on a societal level." Right now in fact is the one -week symposium, held in Berlin. The website and goals are definitely work checking out, since what they are attempting to do is pretty incredible and will hopefully set a trend for other companies out there.
This working together also ties into our theme of globalization this year, since two countries are attempting to connect through corporations. If the future leaders are able to bridge the gap between the two cultures that have so many differences, it could provide an example for everyone else out there.

Euro Games Masking True Feelings?

Last month, Turkey and Germany played each other in the Euro 2008 Football Championship. Before the games began, however, there were some who worried about fans reactions and behaviors. An article from Berlin desribed the tensions that were leading up to the game. The author, Charles Hawley, goes on to explain the pride of the Turkish immigrants living in Germany. Most would not be upset if Germany won, since it is now their home, however the same can not necessarily be said for German fans. Examples include cars with Turkish flags in them getting their tires slashed by local germans. Is it possible that the two cultures aren't getting any closer? Germany has still been against Turkey joining the EU, so maybe there is something more than a friendly game of soccer would suggest. (The final score was Germany 3- 2 Turkey).


Monday, January 19, 2009

How Do These Three Pieces Exlempify Globalization?

In Packers' "How Susie Bayer's T-Shirt Ended Up on Yusuf Mama's Back', globalization comes in the form of trade between different cultures. Through his travels, Packer meets a Pakistani named Hussein Ali Merchant. Merchant defies the American dream by openly talking about the difficulties of our culture. Merchant says that he does not understand why he would want to go to America since he is making enough money in Africa, saying that "I'm a king here in Africa." His profits are all thanks to those who are giving away their old clothes that no longer fit, however. Packers driver, Robert Ssebunya, also talks about the influence the clothes have on the African culture. He says that it has an extremely negative impact since the Ugandan culture will soon be dead with the Western style.
Ssebunya shares a similar fear to that of the older Chinese generation in "McDonalds in Hong Kong". No one expected McDonalds to take off the way it did in Hong Kong, mainly for the fact that it had nothing to do with the Chinese culture. This quickly changed however, and has since become a part of daily life for teenagers and children. These two articles show how American culture has infultrated other countries, yet has not necessarily had a negative impact. In both cases, there are people who depend on our exports, whether it be clothes or an entire restraunt chain. In Hong Kong, millions of people are able to get jobs thanks to McDonalds, and the younger population has come to accept it as a typical sight, not a way into American culture. This also leads to globalization in the way that the people of Hong Kong are not giving up any part of their own culture or traditions by accepting McDonalds.
America is not the only country to export a taste of our culture, however. In "How Sushi Went Global", Japan provides the perfect example of another food type that was not expected to do well abroad. It has since become a favorite part of the American cuisine, from sushi bars to sushi to-go sections in airports. Once again, however, America has not been asked to give up any part of our own culture in order to let sushi in.
All of these articles share a common theme of acceptance of other cultures without totally giving up your own traditions. Through the trade of clothing and cuisine, we are slowly working towards globalization.

Reluctance to let Turkey into the EU


Turkey has been waiting for a decision about being accepted into the EU since 1987. The decision, however, has been contiunuously deferred for a vast amount of reasons that make it seem as if the EU is stalling. When the decision was first deferred, it was set to be decided in the early 1990s. At this time unfortunately, there was a new wave of contempt for Muslim immigrant workers from North Africa and Turkey. The newest reason, however, is animosity that has been unresolved between Turkey and Greece over the island of Cyprus. Recently, Turkish Prime Minister visited Brussels in order to discuss his country joining the EU. In order to join the EU, the EU gave Turkey a list of reforms that Mr. Erdogan has since been working on. The newest news comes from BBC news:

Immigrants in Germany NPR


This NPR broadcast comes from Germany, where minorities are still fighting for their rights to this day. The first two interviewees make the point that Germans do not consider themselves to be racist in any way, yet their media says differently. Advertising is still pointed towards the white germans, and minorities are usually depicted as comical figures in the media. The most inspiring part, however, is when teenagers from an inner-city school created and performed a musical all about life in Germany through their eyes, the eyes of teens from immigrant decent. The students got a chance to travel all around the country, and while it may not seem like a big deal for some, most of the kids had never been out of their own region. Each student, immigrant, and those of immigrant decent are waiting for when they can be considered 'a German citizen'.
